Diary Of A Peculiar Soul: September 2005

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Conspiracy Theories...

I told yall that I was a bit off the beaten path... This entry will solidify that...

I have long suspected that our gov't while publicly wrestling with the morality of cloning technology has been privately experimenting with it. It is my honest belief that they have cloned many people but one in particular... Heart Attack Jones... umm yeah... you know who I'm talking about... G Dumbya's sidekick... umm Tonto... naw I can't even taint Tonto like that... (He was a cutie... made me want some "Indian In My Family" but I digress... LOL).

I'm talking about the Dick. I mean the Vice-President... Cheyney. Where the hell has he been with all this shit going on down in the Gulf... of Mexico that is. You couldn't turn on any available media with out seeing his ass defending our Pres with good ole' Colin and we can't forget Dr. Rice... on every decision that has been made regarding foreign policy... namely the current endless war we are in.

Yall ever see the Manchurian Candidate? It was a movie with Denzel Washington (who just gets sexier with time). Essentially the movie was about a group of people who funded the programming of an individual and then guided him into making life choices that would land him in the White House as VP. I think that Cheyney has long since kicked the bucket and that the board of Halliburton took some of their year end bonus and funded a "special project"... called... You guessed it... Heart Attack Jones...

Just imagine them (the financial backers for this project) lying in wait... for what you may ask... For G. Dumbya to bumble up enough times to get his ass impeached... Yeah I told ya I was off my rocker on this one... How in the hell else can you explain the fact that SOMEONE convinced him that HE should conduct an investigation on why there was a delay in the response to the victims of Hurricane Katrina? At first I thought that it was because they wanted to be able to spin it in their favor... Now I'm thinking that's what they told HIM in order to get him on board...

So the next time you see good ole Dick.... Be certain to check for any abnormalities... Or actually if he looks just TOO symmetric... we just might have a cloner on our hands... LOL

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Tuesday, September 06, 2005

A Note To Black Conservatives

This is from a black blogger to conservative black bloggers.


Dear Black Conservatives,
I would laugh at you, if thousands of dead didn't litter the streets of New Orleans.
Have you read what your conservative allies have written? How they regard black people?
To all you black ministers doing "outreach" with Bush: as Dr. Phil says, "how's that working for you?"

Seen enough dead black corpses yet to get the point? George Bush is incompetent. He kills Americans with his slovenly ways. Sure, he talks big, but underneath is a tiny man, a man who cannot see beyond his nose.

Sure, he talks about being a God-fearing man, but when it comes to Jesus's good works, he could care less. He did nothing to allivate their suffering.

How can you face your congregations now? How can you look them in the face, after your betrayal of them is in such stark relief. The man you thought would help you has done nothing but let people suffer and die. How will you explain that to your parishoners? Getting government funding is more important to me than my soul?

To the lackies like Deroy Murdoch and LaShawn Barber: your God, George Bush, has failed you. Have you seen what they think about you, Powerline, Instapundit, Ben Stein, they all think those black people deserve to be dead. The people you suck up to, the people you rely on for praise and support , they hold black people in contempt, in disdain. In short, they are now saying what they have always thought, always believed as they smiled in your face. Deroy, how can you stand to fetch Jonah's coffee, when he suggested the women and children in the Astrodome grow gills. Doesn't it make you ashamed, as you shine his shoes and fetch his laundry, to work with such a man.

LaShawn, after all your praising of Bush as a good Christian, is this what your Bible says: let the meek drown beacause it isn't my fault. I am not responsible. Is that how Jesus would act. How can you look in the mirror, knowing you defended these people, people who mock the suffering of your people.

Armstrong Williams, you knew your conservative friends would abandon you at the drop of a hat, now they abandon an entire city of black people to drown and starve. They blame them for their opwn fate, even laugh at them, insult their intelligence. How does that make you feel? How can you look at yourself and realize you have not only defended, but promoted these people and their agenda, and when your people were in trouble, would rather toss insults than offer help. Doesn't it prove the bankruptcy of your life so far, the waste it is?

John McWhorter, can you look at the faces of the dead and dying, the suffering of the victims and justify your subservience to whites? Do you now get the reasons for black anger, human anger. It may make you uncomfortable, but do the dead make you any more comfortable? How can you serve the people who would mock the fate of your breathern.

Black conservatives must face the reality that they have been lackies to some of America's bitterest racists, people who would mock the suffering of children because they were the wrong color. Doesn't that trouble your sleep?

Black conservatives have betrayed the community and must now come to account for their treason. How can they face themselves, much less the community. They have been the allies of racists and those who hold even black children in contempt.

The dead and suffering of New Orleans demand no less.

Stop skippin your remedial class. It’s the finals you gonna need it to pass. Keep my name out ‘cha mouth and your mind on ya task. If you feel that I’m talking about you in these bars, Pick up ya feelins’ grab ya kicks and walk that shyt off… ~ Mos Def

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Saturday, September 03, 2005

I often find myself wondering what goes through peoples heads when it comes to love sometimes... Men in particular. Women as more of an afterthought. We all say we want the dynamic and fulfilling relationship but don't have a damn clue what to do with them once they have have it in front of them.

Now I'm not talking about taking care of your business in the bedroom. That goes without saying. I don't know many people who would be willing to stay in a monogamous relationship where they are not satisfied physically (at the very least), who would be willing to keep the relationship monogomous if at all.

What I'm talking about are those things that NURTURE a relationship from infancy far into maturity. Why is it WE are quick to pull out the stops to win someone's heart & affections... But fall short on the followthrough.

So Tell Me...



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Friday, September 02, 2005

Wolf Blitzer...

Professionally trained journalists have a responsibility to choose their words wisely. Knowing that the majority of the population affected by the hurricane are Black, the journalist in question -- in my opinion -- knew full well that his choice word was inappropriate. If, in fact, he was trying to paint a picture by using the word "black" then there were several other words that he could have used. Using the same website, http://www.dictionary.com/, and going to the Thesaurus link, the words "dark; cloudy; somber; depressive" etc. could have been used instead of "black."

Just my thoughts.

Stop skippin your remedial class. It’s the finals you gonna need it to pass. Keep my name out ‘cha mouth and your mind on ya task. If you feel that I’m talking about you in these bars, Pick up ya feelins’ grab ya kicks and walk that shyt off… ~ Mos Def

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The Blame Game

FEMA says it's the New Orleans residents fault that they got caught in the storm...

Click Here To Read More

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September 2, 2005

A Can't-Do Government


Before 9/11 the Federal Emergency Management Agency listed the three most likely catastrophic disasters facing America: a terrorist attack on New York, a major earthquake in San Francisco and a hurricane strike on New Orleans. "The New Orleans hurricane scenario," The Houston Chronicle wrote in December 2001, "may be the deadliest of all." It described a potential catastrophe very much like the one now happening.

So why were New Orleans and the nation so unprepared? After 9/11, hard questions were deferred in the name of national unity, then buried under a thick coat of whitewash. This time, we need accountability.

First question: Why have aid and security taken so long to arrive? Katrina hit five days ago - and it was already clear by last Friday that Katrina could do immense damage along the Gulf Coast. Yet the response you'd expect from an advanced country never happened. Thousands of Americans are dead or dying, not because they refused to evacuate, but because they were too poor or too sick to get out without help - and help wasn't provided. Many have yet to receive any help at all.

There will and should be many questions about the response of state and local governments; in particular, couldn't they have done more to help the poor and sick escape? But the evidence points, above all, to a stunning lack of both preparation and urgency in the federal government's response.

Even military resources in the right place weren't ordered into action. "On Wednesday," said an editorial in The Sun Herald in Biloxi, Miss., "reporters listening to horrific stories of death and survival at the Biloxi Junior High School shelter looked north across Irish Hill Road and saw Air Force personnel playing basketball and performing calisthenics. Playing basketball and performing calisthenics!"

Maybe administration officials believed that the local National Guard could keep order and deliver relief. But many members of the National Guard and much of its equipment - including high-water vehicles - are in Iraq. "The National Guard needs that equipment back home to support the homeland security mission," a Louisiana Guard officer told reporters several weeks ago.

Second question: Why wasn't more preventive action taken? After 2003 the Army Corps of Engineers sharply slowed its flood-control work, including work on sinking levees. "The corps," an Editor and Publisher article says, citing a series of articles in The Times-Picayune in New Orleans, "never tried to hide the fact that the spending pressures of the war in Iraq, as well as homeland security - coming at the same time as federal tax cuts - was the reason for the strain."
In 2002 the corps' chief resigned, reportedly under threat of being fired, after he criticized the administration's proposed cuts in the corps' budget, including flood-control spending.

Third question: Did the Bush administration destroy FEMA's effectiveness? The administration has, by all accounts, treated the emergency management agency like an unwanted stepchild, leading to a mass exodus of experienced professionals.

Last year James Lee Witt, who won bipartisan praise for his leadership of the agency during the Clinton years, said at a Congressional hearing: "I am extremely concerned that the ability of our nation to prepare for and respond to disasters has been sharply eroded. I hear from emergency managers, local and state leaders, and first responders nearly every day that the FEMA they knew and worked well with has now disappeared."

I don't think this is a simple tale of incompetence. The reason the military wasn't rushed in to help along the Gulf Coast is, I believe, the same reason nothing was done to stop looting after the fall of Baghdad. Flood control was neglected for the same reason our troops in Iraq didn't get adequate armor.

At a fundamental level, I'd argue, our current leaders just aren't serious about some of the essential functions of government. They like waging war, but they don't like providing security, rescuing those in need or spending on preventive measures. And they never, ever ask for shared sacrifice.

Yesterday Mr. Bush made an utterly fantastic claim: that nobody expected the breach of the levees. In fact, there had been repeated warnings about exactly that risk.
So America, once famous for its can-do attitude, now has a can't-do government that makes excuses instead of doing its job. And while it makes those excuses, Americans are dying.
E-mail: krugman@nytimes.com

Thomas L. Friedman is on vacation.

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Philly To House 1000 Katrina Families

I'm not saying that we shouldn't help those in need... We need to lend a hand to those that cannot do for themselves... But how about having Dubya declare a NATIONAL state of emergency and hustle up the same type of fervor (and funding) for those that are displaced all over our country.

Philadelphia To House 1,000 Families Displaced By Katrina

City Contacted By Department Of Housing And Urban Development

POSTED: 12:29 pm EDT September 2, 2005
UPDATED: 1:52 pm EDT September 2, 2005

PHILADELPHIA -- Mayor John F. Street has offered to take in 1,000 families displaced by Hurricane Katrina. "We will be prepared to receive our brothers and sisters, our fellow Americans as soon as they can be brought to the city of Philadelphia," Street said. "It is our belief that we can do no less." Street on Friday said he had been in contact with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Details of where the families would stay weren't immediately clear. Street said he and the Philadelphia Housing Authority would help decide where the families would go.

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Mister Senator... Madam Senator...

You have the option to stand up for those who are not being heard. Write or call your congressperson, the White House, major news agencies and your friends. Inform them of what is really going on, how it looks to you, as a citizen, and how it looks to a world which is probably as saddened for our loss as they are to see that we have yet again spectacularly failed to live out our ideals and our professed faith.

Make yourself heard: Here and Here

Click Here and Here For More Info:


Sample Letter:

Dear Legislator (use other title if appropriate),

I am (name, occupation, location). I am ABSOLUTELY APPALLED at the horrific indifference shown by this administration toward its citizens, particularly those trapped in New Orleans.

This is the most wealthy nation in the WORLD. There is NO WAY that anyone can tell me that this is the best we can do. We cannot send buses with military escorts to evacuate these people. They are dying needlessly and this is a disgrace and a shame before the world. I implore you, if you have any compassion, sense of duty and responsibility to this nation's citizens, to make FEMA and every other government agency with the wherewithal to DO THEIR JOBS and remove these people from harms way.

This was no accident, nor act of God. The mismanagement of FEMA has been ongoing since this administration took office in the form of monies moved from mitigation strategies and diverted to the president's boondoggle in Iraq. Please. Say something. Use your clout. Make them set this right.

These people did not 'choose' to stay. They did not have cars, or money for gas. 'We', as a society which does not value it's poor, and especially its black poor, left them behind.

I plead with you to do something about this, now. And to hold those responsible for this needless tragedy responsible, later. If not, the song of democracy that we sing around the world rings hollow.


(Your name)

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Resources For Those Affected By Katrina

Immediate Job Openings to Assist Hurricane Katrina Victims The SBA Disaster Assistance Office in Forth Worth is looking to hire 300 to 400 people immediately to assist the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Positions are loan officers, attorneys, paralegals and customer service reps. The fax numbers for resumes are 817.683.5621 or 817.684.5799.

The Texas Health and Human Services also has a hotline number. They can assist with food stamps and other subsidies. The number is 2-1-1 or 1-888-312-4567.

JLTLA Members Offering Office Space to Displaced Attorneys If any members of JL Turner have attorney friends from Louisiana that are displaced, the law firm of Kelley Witherspoon is willing to donate office space.

Free Home Health Services M & L Medical Services of DeSoto, Texas is offering free house calls for all senior citizens and especially those from Hurricane Katrina. These house calls will aid geriatric patients, diabetics, and congestive heart failure patients. Also included in the offer are free drugs administered by the aiding physician and some free drugs from the cooperating drug store. Please call M & L Medical Services at (972) 228-8500 if you need home care assistance or are a family member of a senior citizen who needs physician or nurse attention.

Complimentary Salon Treatments Kim, With Studio 115, would like to give complimentary services Sunday, September 4th & Monday, September 35th from 1-9 PM. If you know of anyone that has been a victim of Hurricane Katrina, please forward this information so they can have their hair shampooed & styled. The Shop is located at 115 Main St. in Duncanville. The number is 972-572-1115.

Displaced Law Students Ole Miss Law is enrolling and providing some housing for 2Ls and 3Ls from Tulane and Loyola.

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Donate Miles/Points To Katrina Victims

If you're looking for a way to help out and donate to the Red Cross, consider donating your unused airline miles. Many of the major airlines (America West, Continental, Delta, Northwest and United) have programs set up directly with the Red Cross. In addition, many of the credit card type rewards programs allow you to donate your points directly as well. It's an easy way to contribute even if you don't have the extra cash to donate directly.


Stop skippin your remedial class. It’s the finals you gonna need it to pass. Keep my name out ‘cha mouth and your mind on ya task. If you feel that I’m talking about you in these bars, Pick up ya feelins’ grab ya kicks and walk that shyt off… ~ Mos Def

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Fats Domino Rescued

CNN reports : Click Here

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Michael Moore Writes To Bush...

I know Mike has no love for the Bush Administration... But I think he is right on the money with this one. I swear, Bush has got to be the worst President EVAH!!!

(yes, even worse than Nixon because Nixon was at least smart - GEESH!)

Bureaucracy is still alive and well... We can run off to every other country in the world and not do what is necessary to help our own... Something tells me that if the majority of the families that that are stranded on the streets of New Orleans right now were not of African decent help would be a little more forthcoming.


Friday, September 2nd, 2005

Dear Mr. Bush:

Any idea where all our helicopters are? It's Day 5 of Hurricane Katrina and thousands remain stranded in New Orleans and need to be airlifted. Where on earth could you have misplaced all our military choppers? Do you need help finding them? I once lost my car in a Sears parking lot. Man, was that a drag.

Also, any idea where all our national guard soldiers are? We could really use them right now for the type of thing they signed up to do like helping with national disasters. How come they weren't there to begin with?

Last Thursday I was in south Florida and sat outside while the eye of Hurricane Katrina passed over my head. It was only a Category 1 then but it was pretty nasty. Eleven people died and, as of today, there were still homes without power. That night the weatherman said this storm was on its way to New Orleans. That was Thursday! Did anybody tell you? I know you didn't want to interrupt your vacation and I know how you don't like to get bad news. Plus, you had fundraisers to go to and mothers of dead soldiers to ignore and smear. You sure showed her!
I especially like how, the day after the hurricane, instead of flying to Louisiana, you flew to San Diego to party with your business peeps. Don't let people criticize you for this -- after all, the hurricane was over and what the heck could you do, put your finger in the dike?
And don't listen to those who, in the coming days, will reveal how you specifically reduced the Army Corps of Engineers' budget for New Orleans this summer for the third year in a row. You just tell them that even if you hadn't cut the money to fix those levees, there weren't going to be any Army engineers to fix them anyway because you had a much more important construction job for them -- BUILDING DEMOCRACY IN IRAQ!

On Day 3, when you finally left your vacation home, I have to say I was moved by how you had your Air Force One pilot descend from the clouds as you flew over New Orleans so you could catch a quick look of the disaster. Hey, I know you couldn't stop and grab a bullhorn and stand on some rubble and act like a commander in chief. Been there done that.

There will be those who will try to politicize this tragedy and try to use it against you. Just have your people keep pointing that out. Respond to nothing. Even those pesky scientists who predicted this would happen because the water in the Gulf of Mexico is getting hotter and hotter making a storm like this inevitable. Ignore them and all their global warming Chicken Littles. There is nothing unusual about a hurricane that was so wide it would be like having one F-4 tornado that stretched from New York to Cleveland.

No, Mr. Bush, you just stay the course. It's not your fault that 30 percent of New Orleans lives in poverty or that tens of thousands had no transportation to get out of town. C'mon, they're black! I mean, it's not like this happened to Kennebunkport. Can you imagine leaving white people on their roofs for five days? Don't make me laugh! Race has nothing -- NOTHING -- to do with this!

You hang in there, Mr. Bush. Just try to find a few of our Army helicopters and send them there. Pretend the people of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast are near Tikrit.

Michael Moore



P.S. That annoying mother, Cindy Sheehan, is no longer at your ranch. She and dozens of other relatives of the Iraqi War dead are now driving across the country, stopping in many cities along the way. Maybe you can catch up with them before they get to DC on September 21st.

Stop skippin your remedial class. It’s the finals you gonna need it to pass. Keep my name out ‘cha mouth and your mind on ya task. If you feel that I’m talking about you in these bars, Pick up ya feelins’ grab ya kicks and walk that shyt off… ~ Mos Def

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