Diary Of A Peculiar Soul: Selfish Motivations...

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Selfish Motivations...

You know I have a problem with people who make decisions for themselves and could care less how they affect other people...

Take this fool in Glendale, California for example... He decides that he just cannot go on and parks his SUV on some train tracks. After much thought he then decides that he doesn't want to go through with it. There's only one problem... He can't get the damn truck off the tracks... So what does he do... He leaves it there... causing an accident that ends the life of at least 12 people and injures at least 180 others...

I can't imagine going through something so traumatic that I actually act out on a plan to end my life. But this is certainly a case where this guy not following through with his plan to end his own life has drastically altered the lives of at least 200 families.
Now he can look forward to at least 10 counts of murder...
I bet he wishes that he followed through.

Stop skippin your remedial class. It’s the finals you gonna need it to pass. Keep my name out ‘cha mouth and your mind on ya task. If you feel that I’m talking about you in these bars, Pick up ya feelins’ grab ya kicks and walk that shyt off… ~ Mos Def

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